This post revisits the method I use with clients as an outline of how to create content that suits their site visitors. Whether the page is a blog post, an About page, or holds your signature offer, this method will help you get clarity on how to write copy that connects with your ideal clients on that page.
The original post is here as part of my series on how to prepare for your new website.
Every website I design for a client has been centered around the Feel, Know, Do method of discovering what your ideal clients need on each page of your site. The goal is to inspire your ideal clients to feel a certain way, know what they need to, and have a clear idea of what to do next to get to their goals.
To break it down into questions, try this:
- What do you want them to feel when they visit this page?
- What do you want them to know about their situation, their goals for the resolution of their problems, or their future?
- What do you want them to do so they can take at least one step toward that better future they envision?
That final question will lead you to your CTA. (In marketing we use the acronym CTA for a Call to Action which is whatever you’re asking them to do.) Your CTA will vary by the page on your site as well as what your site visitor will know or feel before you close with the CTA.
Below I break down some common goals I’ve found from my work with clients while exploring what they want prospects to Feel, Know, and Do.
- Feel: hopeful, wanted, calm, adventurous, confident
- Know: they’re not alone, there are answers, they can do what they deeply want
- Do: get started on a new path, join a group for support, download a guide, browse the site
- Feel: inspired, hopeful, capable, optimistic, amused, accepted
- Know: others have overcome what they’re facing, they’re at a pivotal moment in their story, there is a way out of their current predicament, that you truly understand them
- Do: learn more about the work that you do, take action toward their goals, reach out to you for support
Note: the About page is one of the most versatile when it comes to the feelings you’ll inspire from your prospects and what you can let them know or show them about you. If they’re reading that page they want to know more about you, your experiences, and how they relate to their experiences. The key to this page is to show that you understand your ideal clients very, very well.
For more on this topic, check out my posts Sell on Your About Page and What Not To Do On Your About Page.
Work With Me or Services
- Feel: that you precisely understand their current situation and struggles
- Know: that you can get them the results that they want, impacting their lives on a significant level
- Do: Book a consultation call, introductory offer, or package of services with you OR reach out to you with questions or to create a new package of services
Subscribe page
- Feel: understood, that you’ll serve them with the info they need, you’ll respect their privacy if trusted with their email address
- Know: what to expect from your newsletters for content and frequency, your privacy policy (add a link to this page)
- Do: Share their email address to get your newsletter
This CTA for the subscribe page is just one simple task because the whole point of this page is to help them successfully subscribe, regardless of the rest of the website’s content.
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