Turning your website audience into prospective clients takes several components and at the top of that list is an effective Call to Action. In this post, I’ll outline how you create a Call to Action that truly inspires action on the part of your prospects.
First, let’s define the Call to Action (often called the CTA in marketing-speak): the CTA is where you invite someone to take action in a way that will result in them sharing their information with you OR in starting to work with you.
Where you’ll place a CTA on the page will depend on the page of your site: on your Home page, you’ll use the CTA at the top of the page and possibly on another place within the page. On your About page, you’ll want to place your CTA at the bottom. For your Offer page, you’ll want to integrate the same CTA (with one variation) on your page multiple times.
No matter what, you’ll want to include only one CTA per placement. The primary reason you’ll want to do this is that if someone has more than one option, they’ll need to choose an option. When you include a CTA, you’ll want them to be ready to take that action without hesitation so giving one simple CTA allows for just that.
Now, let’s break down why each page will need that CTA placed in different places.
Home Page
Your Home page is designed to accomplish a few simple goals, one of which is to inspire your prospects to share their information with you as the beginning of your sales funnel. The Home page CTA should be inviting your ideal clients to sign up for your free offering. (This is often called a freebie, opt-in, or lead magnet. All three terms refer to this same item.)
The freebie usually has a squeeze page that supports it as well, which includes some sales language stating details like what the freebie is and what results come from the freebie. Although this language is important for that squeeze page, it is extraneous and possibly too much for the Home page.
On this page, you’ll want to speak directly to the title of the freebie and the primary result of the freebie. That’s it. Anything more tends to clutter the page while also watering down the message of the CTA.
About Page
The About page is a more complicated piece of copy than many assume: the primary goal of your About page is to share the details of your story that are important to show your ideal clients is that you understand them. Once you show them that you understand them, they’re ready to understand that you can take them to the results they want.
With this primary goal in mind, you’ll want to create a CTA that supports them with the next emotional step between believing that you understand them and believing that you can take them to the result they want.
Offer Page
An Offer page is has a whole different set of needs for the CTA since every CTA will invite prospects to become clients. On this page, you’ll want to include CTAs in nearly every section. Specifically, they’ll go after every piece of copy that shows you as the expert to solve the needs of your ideal clients.
Examples of where to place this include when you have copy that speaks to:
- What you offer the service, whether that’s the offer name or an explanation of what they can expect from the offer
- Your Opening Statement (this is the short explanation of what you do, who you help, and the results they get from that work)
- The benefits they’ll get from working with you
- The specifics components of the offer
Without adding a Call to Action after the above details, you’re building in space for your prospects to hesitate on making the decision to work with you. That hesitation can reduce your conversion rate significantly. In short, give your prospects every opportunity to work with you so they’re not missing out on the results they want.
How did this post land for you? Did it clear up your questions about Calls to Action on your website? I’d love to know! Email me directly.